Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Wonderful World of Disney

If you have not already guessed it, we Morgan's are Disneyland fanatics. We made a last minute decision to head to the happiest place on earth with the whole crew. Madden was beyond excited. He talks about Disneyland non stop. He watches videos on YouTube continually. Needless to say he was so excited. Nash just couldn't wait to see his beloved Mickey Mouse. 

The boys did so good on the drive.

Driving with little boys and a pregnant momma makes the drive a little bit longer! We made a few pit stops along the way. Seems like we were always trying to entertain the little men some way or another. 

We pulled up to our hotel and check out this weather! Oh it felt so good to feel the sun again. Back home it was in the negatives. The weather was lovely! 

Headed to the happiest place on earth. You cant tell that Madden was excited can ya?!

The boys played hard which meant they took awesome naps while we were there. Everyone would ask if they were twins. 

We decided to try the boys sleeping together and they did fantastic! Madden only fell off the bed once!

We rode the canoes, something we have never done before. The kids loved it. Madden paddled the whole time backwards. This might be one of my favorite pictures from the whole trip. Nash never moved the whole time we were on it. He sat just  holding tight to his paddle. So stinking cute. 

Madden and Nash both drove on the Autopia ride. Lets just say we hope they improve in the next 14/15 years! 

Love these two.

Madden loved meeting all the characters. Nash hated them. That is why you never see Nash pictured. He would start to shake he hated them so much!

We go all the way to Disneyland for their favorite ride to be the merry-go-round. Go figure!


This picture makes me laugh. Madden loves the big Mickey Ferris wheel. He loves to be in the ones that swing. He seriously just laughs the whole time we are swinging yelling wee!!

Madden got a little up close and too personal with the Princess's. Snow White even moved his hand. 

This just might be my favorite part of Disneyland. These are a little piece of heaven on a stick! 

The little kids started dancing to the street performers and gathered quite the crowd. I think more people stopped to watch them dance than the performers themselves. It was hilarious because after each song Madden would take a bow!

Our car started having troubles on our way home. While we were in Cedar City the transmission went out. We were stuck at a gas station for six hours trying to get a tow and figure out what we were going to do. It was horrible and sad not to mention the power was out at the gas station so we couldn't even use the bathroom. I thought that this would be the last time I saw the old lady but luckily we found a place in Orem that would fix her for cheap. I seriously cried as I pulled away from my van. I know everyone mocks a mini but I am in love with mine. It makes life 1,000 time easier. I am going to be reunited with her tomorrow and I cant wait! So it was not the best way to end a fantastic vacation but we made the best of it!
I am already looking forward to our next Disney adventure. Madden asks us everyday if we are going to Disneyland. Every time I put his shoes on he thinks we are going. His prayers consist of being thankful for the Dumbo ride, the Pirates ride, the Jungle cruise, and so on. I loved that he absolutely loved it. I am excited to go next time because I think Nash will appreciate it just like Madden did!