this weekend was a halloween spectacular! on friday night all the girls in my family, my aunt, and my sisters friends all went up to witches night at the gardener village! it was so much fun! we had a blast and i can't honestly remember a time when i have laughed so hard! we danced the night away, shopped, and ate yummy treats! on sunday night my whole family got together and ate caramel apples and carved pumpkins. we all had a blast. it was a fun way to celebrate and get into the halloween spirit!
dancing at witches night!
my sister jami is hilarious! she was busting moves on everybody around her!
the girls in my family!
this marsh swallowed my sister jami and my aunt kelly! we didn't realize that it was a swamp and they went trampling through and just kept trucking on! they were wet the whole night but we all got a good laugh!
this is them cleaning off the mud on their boots!
all the girls out to eat at macaroni grill.
the whole group!
we were waiting for my mom to pick us up at the park and ride and my mom got on the freeway and forgot us! so while we were waiting my sister starting doing the moon walk and dancing on the side of the road! we got a lot of stares and honks dressed up as witches but i got a good laugh!
my mom and her twin kelly!
my mom won a free outside setting and like 350 dollars worth of prizes! the funny thing is she kept saying she never wins! so jealous!
all the pumpkins!
this is my huge pumpkin i got stuck with! everyone picked the little ones and karson abandoned me! this is my dads finished product!
mac eating his caramel apple
all the pumpkins lite up!
kars finished product!
my cute chubby faced pumpkin
kars and his pumpkin (mine was so much cuter!)
me and jami getting ready to dip our apples!
the caramel apples!
kars and i with our apples!
jadi dipping her apple!
my cute grandpa and his halloween shirt! it made us all laugh!
everyone carving!
everyone and there finished product! (except my mom she is taking the picture)
Monday, October 27, 2008
witches night... family halloween partay!!!
Posted by kars and linz at 5:44 PM 4 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
fix it quick!!
hello friends! kars and i have decided to make a blog showing all the things we have learned while fixing up our old house! it has been a lot of fun and a lot of work! if you guys could please link to it we would REALLY TRULY appreciate it!its called fix it quick its just in the beginning stages but we are trying to update when we can! Thanks so much for your help! Also if you guys have any suggestions to help out our blog that would be great!
Posted by kars and linz at 7:31 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
tagged by jami
I’m a weirdo. I know it. Here’s why.
1. i am obsessed with teeth. its the first thing i notice on a person.
2. i wear my husbands deodorant. its weird i know but i feel like it works better than the ladies brand!
3. i am the biggest spook there is. i hate being home alone. every noise i hear is someone trying to break into our house! when kar's leaves to work early in the morning i sleep with the light on! i absolutely hate the dark!
4. i watch the disney channel.... and i actually like it!
5. i know every player's position on the field in a football game. for family night one time kar's would pause and make me name every player.
6. i work with a wound specialist and see blood everyday and am fine but throw up if its my own blood
7. i have to have a nap everyday. if i don't get a nap i cant function!
I tag; kaydee, courtney, callie, karlee, and tana
Posted by kars and linz at 12:21 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
happy birthday mom!
today is my moms birthday! if any of you know my mom you know she is the sweetest lady in the world! i love my mom and am so grateful to have her in my life. i don't think i really ever realized or appreciated all that she did and continues to do for me until i got married. my mom seriously is wonder women! she has so much going on in her life and finds time to help and serve others. she is always thinking of others and never herself. she has an unwavering testimony of the gospel. i look up to her in so many ways and hope to be a mom just like her some day! mom we love you! hope your day was awesome! happy birthday!
Posted by kars and linz at 5:14 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
hee haws!
on monday the ivers family invited us to go to HEE HAWS corn maze with them! it was so much fun! we made it through the big corn maze only getting lost a few times! they had animals there which included the biggest pig i have even seen! we played in a corn box, shot corn guns, and played on a huge slide! kaydee and i attempted to jump on the hay tramp which proved to be harder than it looked. i definitely got my work out for the night! it was so much fun and got me into the spirit of fall! i love fall and halloween time! thank you kaydee and launey for a fun night!
kars and brielle (i attempted to do her hair and the piggies were a little off!!! opps i'm gonna need a lot of practice before i have one of my own!)
coming off the huge hay slide
going down a slide with kaydee and the boys!
luke swimming in the corn!
the boys shooting the corn guns!
our little family! :)
me tanner and kars
kaydee in the corn maze with luke and ellie
this pictures is self explanatory. it made us laugh!
going down the huge hay slide
kars and i turned on our pellet fire place for the first time! we are so excited that we can actually be warm this winter and hopefully not freeze. i'm just hoping we can roast mallows and dogs!
this is the craziest bug i have ever seen. i am not sure if you can see that stinger or not but it is as big as its body! kars felt this little guy stinging him and he caught it. we have never seen this bug but we thought it was pretty cool!
Posted by kars and linz at 4:23 PM 1 comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
the girls and 1 lucky boy!
every general conference my family does a girls day/night! the boys head off to priesthood meeting while the girls go off and have fun! ever since i can remember we have gone to dinner and a movie. this time we decided to make a whole day of it so i headed up north early! we shopped, ate, shopped, and ate some more! my nephew mccord, since he is not of age yet, got to endure the whole day with us. he was a good sport and someday his time will come to go with the men! wendy we missed ya! (remember when we went a few years ago and the deer ran into the car!) it was a fun day and i'm always excited to play with my fam!
that night was spent with the morgan's! we went over to kaydee and launeys and played games after the men came home. connie made her amazing mustard pizza which i truly love! conner and ky came down from logan for the weekend so the whole family was there! we spent half the night laughing!
the start of our exciting day (sorry the picture is a little off centered)
here is the lucky boy and his first time experience with pop rocks!
trying to fit all our faces into one picture which didn't work so great...
so mom took a picture that worked!
jaders and i!
the trouble of 6 in a 5 man car! luckily grandma came and we rode in her expedition and my life was spared!
mac and jadi.
radio disney was at the mall and was having a dance competition so jadi, mac, and i participated. jadi got picked as a good dancer. here is us busting our moves!
mac doing the robot
and the best part of all... a little cold stone ice cream!
Posted by kars and linz at 11:43 AM 3 comments