Saturday, October 11, 2008

happy birthday mom!

today is my moms birthday! if any of you know my mom you know she is the sweetest lady in the world! i love my mom and am so grateful to have her in my life. i don't think i really ever realized or appreciated all that she did and continues to do for me until i got married. my mom seriously is wonder women! she has so much going on in her life and finds time to help and serve others. she is always thinking of others and never herself. she has an unwavering testimony of the gospel. i look up to her in so many ways and hope to be a mom just like her some day! mom we love you! hope your day was awesome! happy birthday!


Anonymous said...

YEAH Im so glad you started a blog so I can see you all the time now!! YAHOOOOO!!! You look so cute - just like always. By the way dont mind that we have the same furniture as you - RC Willey baby!!