Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday Lovin!

Nothing better than a lazy Sunday! Madden is an amazing sleeper these days and practically begs me to put him down for a naps and bedtime. Every time we check on him this is the position he is in. He loves sleeping on his side right up against the rails. My mother in law made me the cutest bedding but I had to take out the bumpers because I am afraid he would suffocate he gets so close to the side.

Madden is just like his Mom and loves to snack! It is so nice because he is starting to feed himself. Whenever I have food he thinks he has to have food too. Whenever I get out his snacks he just starts to giggle! Boy after my own heart!

Oh and check out these beauties!


Anonymous said...

Why is it that its so cute for babies to have such chubby legs but not so cute for the moms! He is such a stud and so dang cute!!

Connie said...

I absolutely love that little guy and LOVE LOVE LOVE his chubby little legs!