Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Nash Karson Morgan

      Our little guy finally decided it was time to come. It was very unexpected like it has been from the  beginning but we are absolutely in love with him in every single way. Here is Nash’s story.
       I had a regular appointment on Monday morning and right before I got a call from Grandma Red asking if she could come over and watch Madden so I didn’t have to worry about taking him with me. I almost said no because my appointments are usually quick but for some reason I took her up on it and I am so grateful I did. They were running late and so I didn’t even get to see my Doctor until an hour after my appointment. I remember thinking I am so glad I didn’t bring Madden. He checked me and I was still at a 3 and 50 percent same as last week and the week before. My Doctor had talked about starting me that night because he was leaving out of town Wednesday but still wasn’t sure so he sent me down to have a non stress test. Once again I remembering thinking I am so glad I didn’t bring Madden. About 30 minutes into the NST the nurse came in and said that the baby wasn’t cooperating and that I needed to switch positions. Ten minutes later my Doctor came in and said that I wasn’t going home and that they were starting me now and left. I started to panic not sure what was going on and I was all alone and poor Grandma Red thought she would be watching Madden for an hour not the whole day! I called Karson who was working in Salt Lake and told him to come home because they were not letting me go. It turns out it wasn’t a dyer situation with the baby but it could become one if they didn’t get the baby out. They called it variability which means the baby’s heart rate should go up and down and Nash’s wasn’t so that meant he wasn’t getting great oxygen. They started me on the pit at about noon and right away I started feeling those lovely contractions. About 2 hours into it I was thinking an epidural was sounding nice right about than. The doctor came in and checked me and I was at a 5, perfect timing for an epidural right. The doctor didn't think so. The baby's heart rate kept on doing the same thing and if it continued they were afraid they were going to have to stop the pit and I would stop dilating and have to start the whole process over in the morning or worse do a c-section. By 6:30 I was dying! I was dialated to a 7 and was given the option to go ahead and get the epidural and they would break my water but know the risk that came along with it. I went for it and am glad I did. Life was great after that and at 10:10 they checked me and I was ready to go! Boy was I ever ready to go too. I kept feeling a lot of pressure and as they were setting up I remember thinking I hope they hurry. One push later we had our amazing little boy! It all happened so fast! He weighed 7 lbs. 15 oz. and was 20 inches long. He has quite a good amount of hair and looks just like his daddy. I don't want to jinx myself but he has been the best baby so far. We have yet to really heard him cry only a few times. He is quite the eater (thank goodness!) and sleeps about 99 percent of the time. Big brother met him the next day and isn't sure what to think. He wouldn't look at him at all unless people were around than he tried to show off a little and would hug him on occasion. He didn't like me holding the baby and if i was he threw a fit and than would lounge on my lap. We had a hard time coming up with a name and about 1 hour before I was discharged we decided on Nash Karson Morgan. I feel so blessed to have two amazing healthy boys. I am so thankful to both our families who have helped out so much, especially with Madden. I don't know how it happened but I am one lucky girl to have three amazing guys in my life!

This is possibly the worst picture of me ever but its the only one I have of the before birth belly! My arms are up like that because I am apparently allergic to the tape and it was itching like crazy!

Me holding Nash for the first time. I didn't get to hold him right away because they were worried I was going to hemorrhage like I did last time. Lucky for me everything turned out fine!

This is my did that just really happen face! It seriously happened so fast!
Both sets of Grandparents were there!

Madden meeting baby brother for the first time. Doesn't he look thrilled!

He would get real close to him but would never look at him!
This is where he spent the majority of his visit!
All geared up and ready to go home!
Aren't I the luckiest girl in the world!


Callie said...

Oh Linz congrats! Both your boys are darling! I'm so happy for you! And I'm so glad your delivery went well also, its so nice to hear!! Thanks for posting your story!

Jessie Gold Price said...

Linzy! Congrats! This is so fun! Your family is growing so fast and I'm so happy for you! Love ya!

matesen said...

Congrats! Little Nash is adorable. Reading this made me so much more excited for my second little guy to come! I am so happy for your sweet family :)

A bit about our little family... said...

You are the cutest and sweetest mom, seriously! Kaydee and I pretty much voted you put us to shame. You are so cute with Madden and I loved the picture of him sitting on your lap drinking from you cup! It may be a hard adjustment at first but I have no doubt you will have things running smoothly very soon! I am so happy for you and Kars, and I am really happy to have another handsome little nephew!!! CONGRATS! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Congrats woman!! Im glad it went well and he is a handsome little guy. Cant wait to see him.

The Mitchell's said...

Congrats! He is so darn handsome and I love the name Nash...soooo cute! Glad everything went smoothly and fast for you....cross your fingers mine goes the same way!!! :) You are one lucky gal and thoes two boys are so lucky to have you as their momma as well!

Jessie said...

linzy congrats!!! we were at the hospital right before you guys were going home...but we've been sick so i didn't want to come visit! i'm so happy for you guys!! little nash is adorable.

oh, and PLEASE please text me and let me know when i can bring you guys dinner.