Sunday, July 24, 2011

Maddens Day!

Maddens Birthday was sadly on a day where everyone was gone. It was just me and the little tyke all day and I wanted to make it fun for him. We didn't do anything extra ordinary but we did have lots of fun! 

We started off the day by sleeping in! He didn't wake up til 9:30 and it was fabulous!

He than ate his favorite breakfast, french toast and milk! Yum yum!
After breakfast he watched his favorite show, Mickey Mouse, in his diaper non the less!
He took a bath in bubbles. Bubbles are a luxury at our house and he loved it! I think he spent most the time eating the bubbles.
Oh and drinking the bath water!
But he did enjoy his rubber ducky!
After nap time (which was 4 hours long! Sweet!) we headed to Wendys and ate Maddens favorite meal, chicken nuggets!
He got to open some presents!
He played with lots and lots of toys all day long!
Grandma Red came over and played!
Than he enjoyed some Oreos and Cheetos for dinner!
It was a fantastic day! I hope you had a good day little guy!