Saturday, November 1, 2008

potato farming and halloween costumes!

i got to experience the small town farming life today for my first time! karson's grandpa has a farm and on that farm he has lots and lots of potatoes! every year all the family gets together and picks potatoes! connie kept telling me how its TRADITION. it really ended up being a lot of fun! i'm glad that it only happens once a year though! its hard work. i have a lot of respect for farmers and next time i eat a potato i will really appreciate it!

here is kar's and mine halloween get-up! we both work at the hospital so we thought we were pretty funny!

hope you all had a good halloween!!!!


Anonymous said...

Good good good......

Nikki and Tipper said...

You guys look awesome!!

kEnZiE b said...

Karson it's your fault Obama won. You just make him look so good.

Travis and Courtney said...

Holy smokes linz! Look at your guys go...I am very very impressed! And your costumes are so funny! I had to keep looking at the picture...I can't believe that's you guys. So funny! Well hope all is well deary! I'm glad we can keep in touch someway! =) Love ya!