Monday, September 24, 2012

Winter Clothes

For therapy, Brian wanted to see how Madden would do with winter clothes. I busted them out and Madden didn't want anything to do with them surprise surprise! We decided to put them on Nash because usually once Nash does it Madden is all for it. The plan backfired because Nash hated it. He just sat and sobbed. It reminded us of the Christmas Story so of course I grab my camera. Madden decided in the end it wasn't so bad and played in them forever. Poor kid was a puddle of sweat by the end of it! 


Anonymous said...

The boys look adorable! I just bought some Boys Winter Clothes for my little ones. I figured it was getting to that time of year. I got a great winter coat at Burlington Coat Factory, and it was less than half what I had seen it for at Macy's. Michael fell in love with it too and wanted to wear it to preschool already.